Bringing you our vision of Safety Excellence

We are delighted to announce the creation and launch of our new site and organisation. A means for us to affect change beyond our current sphere of influence. A method to share lessons learned over a combined 45 years of working in highly hazardous and dangerous industries, through multiple interactions as safety trainers, assessors and consultants.

Our vision and values all come from our teams shared passions for life, for people and for ensuring that every single person gets home, each and every day with a smile on their face and their hard earned salary payments in their bank accounts.

Here is our vision. It is very simple.

Invest time and effort into yourselves, through continuous education and training, to ensure that you are the best informed practitioner you can be. Build on your experience, educate yourself and pro-actively aim to be a better version of yourself, which will allow you to positively influence those around you. Become a beacon for excellence in your HSE position, shining a light onto those you are employed to advise and protect.

Continuous development of your skills and knowledge, implementation in your work place and communicating these new insights, allows you to make as big a contribution as is imaginable, thus reducing workplace incidents, accidents, injuries and fatalities.

Health and Safety comes in lots of different names and titles, including management positions and well as advisor roles. OHS adviser, HSE Advisor, HSEQ Engineer, Safety Officer and HSEA Manager are all terms we are familiar with. The fundamental requirement of safety professionals is to improve understanding and compliance to legislative and regulatory requirements within their geographical jurisdiction.

Health and Safety is not just the professionals responsibility though. The painter, the plant operator, the crane driver, the production line worker, the foreman, the supervisor, the CEO… Every single person has a responsibility to maintain, promote and improve their work place Health and Safety. Your task is to share your messages and empower your organisations employees, to become a cog on the wheel to keep the good ship steaming ahead towards Excellence.

This is achieved in many ways. It is not a quick fix, but a continuous, slow methodical process, transferring information over to everyone you interact with. Communicating the need for adherence and compliance to the Management Systems, which in turn come from the legal and moral requirements in the operational areas and locations. Communicating the organisations safety campaigns and training programs which come from site or industry specific hazards. Communicating the lessons learned from previous incidents and accidents. Having the steadfast but approachable nature to intervene upon immediately witnessing unsafe acts or acts of non-compliance.

Above all of this, the most important aspect of being a safety professional, in our opinion is being human. Understand what drives behaviours and find out how you can effect change in the individuals and the collective group within your area of influence, this includes giving management your true feelings and professional opinion, regardless of whether it is towing the party line. Be honest and up front with everyone you interact with, and understand that you are there to ensure people stay alive, fit and well in their work activities.

You are not a member of the local Police Force, you are a coach. Don’t read the riot act and rhyme off multiple legislative or procedural non compliance issues, take the time to firstly listen to reasoning behind the actions of the individual involved. Discuss and inform on WHY these procedures and policies are in place and more importantly, HOW the individuals can benefit from these and easily comply with site rules and regulations.

Remember that we are all human beings. The next time you are out in your work environments, take the time to discuss a work activity in detail. Discuss the worst case scenario of something going wrong for that specific activity. Explain the reasons for the control and mitigation of the activities hazards, by linking them to the procedural contents and work site policies. Find how they protect or relate to the individual within the work party. There is almost always a human connection of affection or love, whether it’s their partners, children or wider family, most of us are lucky enough to have these reasons for being, so find their WHY.

In our experience, once you find their WHY, it becomes easier to build a relationship where you can then positively influence people. This is the foundation block towards building relationships, trust and creating a solid structure to build upon, as you embark upon your safety excellence journey.


CPD for Safety Professional’s, Is it right for you? Or just too much to do?